Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lindsay's Preschool Lessons - April 12 - 16, 2010

I found the coolest mini-unit study on called From Caterpillar to Butterfly.  It's only $1.99, and worth every penny!!  (No, I'm not a paid advertiser, but I when I like something I let people know about it!)  :) 

I had been waiting to start this particular unit because I really wanted to find my Very Hungry Caterpillar book from a box that has been missing since our move.  Well...the VERY day that I gave up all hope of finding my own copy, and reluctantly decided to purchase another one, I went to our homeschool group's monthly meeting where we were having a Book Swap.  And the very book I needed was on a table labled "FREE"!!!!  Can you believe my luck?  I mean, it's not like the book would have broken the bank anyway, but still!  I never get this lucky!  I was really excited!!  Ok, so it doesn't take much to excite me.  :)  Moving on...

We started with B is for Butterfly.  Then moved on to C is for Caterpillar.   We are now going over the #7, and will move on to the Life Cycle of a Butterfly, Nutrition, Mazes, and Sequencing.  The booklet I downloaded also includes Narration Ideas for The Very Hungry Caterpillar, so that she can explain different concepts to me in different ways, using different mediums like play-doh, crayons, etc.

There are loads of other activities that we have planned that are outlined in the ebook, but I wouldn't feel right posting them on here since they're not my ideas.  :)  I urge you to get this and try it out.  It's small, so it's great for a mini-unit for the week.  :) 

Hope everyone is having a great week!!  :) 

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