Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Menu Plan Monday (on Tuesday?)

Just be prepared...the next few weeks are going to be complete chaos for me, and there's no telling when I'm going to have time to get my blogging done...hence the reason I am doing Menu Plan Monday on Tuesday.  PS.  I'm typing this really fast, and it's kind of funny that I worry that I seem as though I'm also talking extremely fast....which is a huge pet peeve of mine.  Anxiety abounds.  :)

Here's our Menu...please know that I have something to do every night this week.  It's going to be super busy, so I'm making it super easy on my nerves and taking the easy way out.

Sunday:  Steaks on the Grill, Fresh Corn on Cob, Baked Potatoes

Monday:  Pot Roast with Carrots, Potatoes, Corn

Tuesday:  Meatball Subs

Wednesday:  Chicken Nuggets

Thursday:  Pioneer Woman's Grilled Chicken Salad with Feta and Blueberries

Friday:  Breakfast for Dinner (waffles, bacon, eggs, homemade biscuits - true and legit breakfast, folks!)

Saturday:  Make Your Own Pizzas using Leftovers!

I'm linking up to I'm an Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Monday - come take a looksie at what everybody else is serving up!  :)


  1. This week has been crazy for me too. Just too many things to do in a day.
    I hope you have a wonderful and delicious week.

  2. Great looking menu. Enjoy the rest of your week.


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